The African American Heritage & Culture Center Board of Directors announces the launch of its Board of Advisors. Joining the AAHC founders and current Board of Directors, the Board of Advisors is composed of individuals who share their passion and commitment to AAHC’s mission: “to present the historic impact and progression of African American heritage and culture in our region”.
Members of the Board of Directors are James Copland IV, Carol Bonner Becton,
Tahira Coble Copland, Rick Fisher, Andrea Nix and Mike Williams.
Members of the Board of Advisors are Jacqueline Atkinson, Sabrina Bengel, Mark Best, Valerie Taylor Best, Maria Cho, D’Aja Fulmore, Lynne Harakel, Jameesha Harris,
Edward Hood, Gerry King, Nelson McDaniel, Mickey Miller, George Oliver,
Larry Rosenstrauch, Jaki Shelton Green, Reverend Garry Slade,
Timothy Thompson and Ben Watford.
On November 19 both Boards met for the first time during a joint virtual meeting. During the meeting, the leadership solidified a shared vision for AAHC to assure that the mission is visible in all its efforts.
In the new year, the AAHC leadership plans to present programs, develop an Oral History Library and sponsor events which bring together the shared heritage of diverse eastern North Carolina communities from the time of Emancipation to the present day. The AAHC leadership thanks its business and nonprofit partners, individual donors, and grant-support from the NC Arts Council, the Craven Arts Council, and the Harold H Bate Foundation. These generous partners made past programs possible and are the bedrock of support for 2021.
The African American Heritage & Culture Center is a 501C3 North Carolina nonprofit organization based in New Bern and serving communities throughout the region.